Very, very slick (with one niggle)
Zen Pinball 2 provides a polished fun, over-the-top pinball experience, and the prices for additional tables are reasonable. Really a fine game, and the free Sorceror’s Lair table is excellent.
That said, I also have Zen Pinball on my iPad and AppleTV. Those two sync with each other in terms of scores and tables owned, but I cannot get Zen Pinball on Mac OSX to recognize iOS scores or table purchases. Perhaps that is by design, but it’s unfortunate.
(Zen Studios: in the Game Center application on OSX, Zen Pinball 2 is shown as an *iOS* appication next to the real Zen Pinball for iOS. It does not show my high scores or achievements at all. There is something wrong there. It’s as though ZP2 on OSX isn’t really connecting with Game Center.)
JGetzen about
Zen Pinball 2, v1.25